MegaHeal® Medical Device
Principle of action

This product is a flexible, thin, self-adhesive silicone gel sheet type product that

is used for protecting old or new scars. It is only used for closed scars and not for open scars.

Purpose of use
This product is used for scar management. 

Storage method and Shelf life
Store in a dry, cool place below 25’C, and avoid direct sunlight.
5 years from the date of manufacture
Precautions for use
A. Warning

1) Avoid using this product with ointment, cream, or any other product as it may not function properly and may cause skin irritation.
2) Avoid using ointment on the application site because it will interfere with the effect of this product.
3) Replace the silicone gel sheet if it has been damaged or is difficult to clean.
4) If rashes appear on the applied skin, reduce the using time of the product. If the rashes persist, stop using the product and consult your doctor.

B. Precautions

1) If skin maceration, rashes, or itching occurs after the use of this product, do not use it again and follow the doctor’s instructions.
2) Do not use the product if you are allergic to silicone or polysiloxane.
3) This product should not be used for open wounds.